UT3 logo Doctor Evil’s Creations for UT3   UT3 logo

Newest creation:   Evil Sky City

view of the central temple and 
 two of the spawn chambers

It has taken a while for the deviant Doctor to start learning the Unreal Editor for UT3.   Some initial efforts, (utterly devoid of warp portals, style, etc.), are offered here.

CTF Maps

(map added 2008 08 15)
Go to the web page for CTF-EvilWalkers4
Lifts, dynamic lights, teleporters, more Dark Walkers and some
very rude doors have been added to CTF-EvilWalkers1.
A VCTF version was added on 2008 08 18.   Download VCTF-EvilWalkers (22.8 Mb).

(map added 2008 07 01)
Go to the web page for CTF-EvilTest1
Doctor Evil’s first attempt at a CTF map in UT3.
It shows ...

(map added 2008 07 01)
Go to the web page for CTF-EvilWalkers1
This map is for those who can't get enough of Dark Walkers
and other vehicles in (non-V)CTF maps.

Doctor Evil, Stardate 2009069.
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Created 2008 07 01 and most recently modified 2014 09 14 by Doctor Evil.